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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education

Impact Factor (RJIF): 5.48

ISSN: 2456-0057

2023, Vol. 8, Issue 2
An analysis of the physiological posture and health injuries with the issue related to work-place accident among manual material handlers in the Bankul-bazaar of South-Tripura
Author(s): Swagatam Das
The Bankul bazaar is one of the most significant major market places in Manu-Bankul area of Sabroom South Tripura District, where material handling, loading, and unloading is a constant operation of daily labour. To perform this type of heavy work general healthy fitness with proper body index is also required. Being a physically demanding job, manual material handling (MMH) frequently results in accidents, injuries, and even fatalities. In order to determine the risk variables causing accidents, one hundred MMH employees from the local area of the core market were chosen. A modified standard Nordic questionnaire was used. Different approaches can able to evaluate (like- OWAS approach can be used to analyse working postures) details of accident cases based on the proper reason. Lifting and carrying goods was when the majority of accidents—including being struck by an object and slipping and falling—took place. Accident reports indicated that not many accident cases reported in the local hospitals, which actually indicating to a general disregard for going to the hospitals of injured labours.
Pages: 275-279  |  234 Views  79 Downloads

International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
How to cite this article:
Swagatam Das. An analysis of the physiological posture and health injuries with the issue related to work-place accident among manual material handlers in the Bankul-bazaar of South-Tripura. Int J Physiol Nutr Phys Educ 2023;8(2):275-279. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/journalofsport.2023.v8.i2d.2811
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International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education
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